The Jadis JA200Mk2 review---or slam!

In the current issue of Stereophile, Jason Victor Serinus reviews the new Jadis JA200Mk2....or should I say SLAMS the amp!!

Since I am new to the Jadis family, I thought I would bring up a few interesting thoughts on this review. The first is that I am totally understanding why an amp that uses Ten(10) KT150’s per side would probably not be a great solution at all!!!! Why, well JVS brought up the reason...although he did minimize the impact; the amount of heat this beast gives off is crazy! Space heater in disguise. What’s odd is how JVS also points to his Pass amps as giving off a ton of heat. ?? Anyhow, we then learn that the review was conducted using JVS DAC as the source...and direct into the amps....who does this??? Why on earth would anyone use a DAC to drive a large tube mono block for a magazine review!! No preamp was used. All of the photos of the amp show it using the KT120 tubes...all. There is mention of what the amp was designed with...the KT150’s, but there is some questions to what tubes were actually in the amp under review. Then to go on, the amp was apparently strapped for the 1ohm load....????? JVS doesn’t check these things!...and then states that the amp is not really that great in the bass reproduction. Huh, why would he think that a tube amp that is strapped to the 1ohm setting would produce prodigious bass with his hard to drive Wilson Alexia’s!!! Can we say classical "mismatch" here.
JA’s follow up measurements, while interesting as usual, are IMO also a little odd, what is the base line that he is using to determine accuracy??? Another tube amp...a ss amp, a hybrid design of some sort...his ears, someone else’s ears???

While I purposely did not consider the new Jadis JA 200Mk2 amp for my system, due to the immense heat output...and probable impact on reliability due to this factor ( IME, electronics seem to have a much longer life if heat is not that much of a factor!!! ( Am i one of the few that perhaps understands this??) Plus, i don’t need any space heaters in S.Calif.) I would think that a follow-up review ( preferably by a more experienced reviewer) would be in who can correctly match-up this amp to their ancillary gear.
Anyone else have an opinion of the Jadis JA200Mk2 review in the current issue of Stereophile?

Showing 3 responses by howsthefidelity

Excellent thread here in many aspects. I haven’t read the review.

I have owned the current version of the Jadis Orchestra Reference for one and a half year now and am quite puzzled how often people refer to Jadis amps as not being ’neutral’. What is neutral? A colder, more tight sounding thing going on? In that case solid state is more neutral.

I run mine with the factory installed tubes (EH KT90s and Tung-Sol 12xa7s) with Shahinian Compass speakers. I’m sure if I installed EL34s I’d get more midrange with the amp. I tried to tube-roll the 12xa7s but soon came back to the factory installed ones.

With my current set-up bass, mids and treble sounds quite balanced to my ears and this is the best amp I’ve ever owned. It really plays music. I find it resolving, superb soundstage and great dynamics. It just sounds right.

I’m currently planning to buy a Jadis DPMC phono stage. Any users here?
@trelja, regarding 12ax7s I tried some old Mullards that I have. They sounded great but overall changed the balance in a way, where I preferred the synergy with the Tung-Sols. It’s been a while, so I can’t recall pros/cons in this case.

Your fixed vs cathode bias design explanation makes a lot of sense. I feel and hear in my current system synergy the JOR works great as is (KT90) and I tune my sound via the phono stage, cables, cartridge and so on. Also the fact that it takes a visit to an amp-tech to bias the damn thing makes me want to keep it pretty stock. But again, this is hi-fi and can change pretty quick and before you know it I may have JJ E34L running in the JOR :-).

Do you know how much power the JOR uses at idle?

Regarding the original topic of this thread it just shows how important it is to always test gear in your own surroundings.

@trelja thanks a lot for the pre-amp tube recommendation (I'll check those tubes out) as well as how to bias the JOR. I could bias a new set of tubes myself but it's more taking the amp apart that worries me and why I better leave that for the tech. Also I expect the KT90s to last for at least 3-4 years and a general check-up can be done also when installing and biasing the new set of tubes. My sound preferences is definitely towards the fixed bias designs.  

Jadis refers to 300W at maximum. I don't believe (or hope that is) it draws so much power at idle. But maybe I should just contact Jadis.