The Importance of Audio Furniture

When reading reviews of electronics at trade shows I find that the Audio Racks and Stands that are used are almost never mentioned.Some noteworthy reviews show a $8000 preamp sitting in a $6000 cabinet and others show preamp's sitting atop the nightstand that came with the room.This begs the question how important is audio furniture and what are you using ?

Showing 3 responses by tboooe

I do believe that a good rack can help to possible improve the sound by eliminating vibration. But I am not afraid to admit that my main reason for being in the market for a nice rack is that I want something that looks good to display my gear. I know some audiophiles say "who cares how the xxxx looks, as long as it sounds good". For me, looks do matter as I am spending a lot of money on these components and part of my enjoyment is not only the sound but also the look and feel. for the amount of money I spent on gear, I want something that looks and sounds good.

Anyway, just my two cents....