The Importance of Audio Furniture

When reading reviews of electronics at trade shows I find that the Audio Racks and Stands that are used are almost never mentioned.Some noteworthy reviews show a $8000 preamp sitting in a $6000 cabinet and others show preamp's sitting atop the nightstand that came with the room.This begs the question how important is audio furniture and what are you using ?

Showing 3 responses by oem

May i ask what your Krell and Wadia are sitting on and have you had them on any other supports? If you have,did you hear any difference in sound.
Thank you all for your input.I recently had the opportunity to
place my tubed amps on decent and "GOOD LOOKING" stands.
The improvement in dynamics was very impressive.
So I took the plunge and ordered a four shelve rack.
My pocket is a little poorer but I know the music and my mind will be much richer.
Thank you all again
Tboooe, The Audio Elegance Rack by Osage Audio.I bought mine from a fellow A'goner.I will have it tomorrow.He's purchasing two three shelve stands.If you go to their web-site they show all the stands.Best of luck