I suspect that TTM had a very good supply at one time, but as its inventory of good NOS/NIB tubes has been depleted over the years all it can do is draw the prospective customer in with images of past stock and then pivot a potential sale to a different tube by pitching equivalency.
The bigger concern is, as pindac pointed out: The Tube Museum trying to bully through the sale. So much of the fun of this hobby is building relationship with others who have the passion and have a wealth of knowledge that they are willing to share. If the is no evidence of that from the outset, then I simply walk away, which I did in this case.
I agree that new tubes from the big producers are good. I'm going to try the new 12AU7 Telefunkens and compare them to my NOS Tele ECC802Ss. I recently compared the Psvane ACME 274b to the Richard Kron 5U4G. Both were excellent, though I preferred the KR 5U4G. Better holographics and overall frequency control. I have the Psvane 12AU7s and they are very good.