The Growing Challenge of Buying NOS/NIB Tubes

An old forum post recommended The Tube Museum to source NOS/NIB tubes.  I noted it has Siemens Halske and Telefunken ECC802S tubes for sale on The Tube Museum website. I asked Mark for a matched pair of Telefunken ECC802S or Siemens Halske ECC802 tubes. He said he had a pair but the link he provided  were for Siemens E82CC and when I questioned whether they were true equivalents, this was his response:

You are incorrect.


Makes me think you are seeing the wrong pictures. Or, are ignorant about Telefunkn ECC802S tubes and their inner architecture.

E82CC Siemens are TOTALLY different - se he 2 meal tabs? See the < > between the glass.

You don’t know what you are talking about. Please, don’t insult my intelligence.


Needless to say, I was taken back by the tone and content of his response and the barrage of equally insulting emails that followed from Mark even though I told him I didn't want to hear from him anymore. SH ECC 802 tubes have a triple Mica and are not the same as standard E82CC Siemens or, in terms of quality, an Ulm Tele ECC802S. It gets weirder. The Tube Museum continues to show and offer for sale true SH and Tele ECC802, but when you try to order them, Mark tries to sell you something different and claims equivalency. When you question Mark, this is the response you get.

It's a further example of how hard it is to find reliable sources for genuine NOS/NIB tubes that are accurately described. I've had better results buying from European sources lately.


Showing 1 response by rspyder

I suspect that TTM had a very good supply at one time, but as its inventory of good NOS/NIB tubes has been depleted over the years all it can do is draw the prospective customer in with images of past stock and then pivot a potential sale to a different tube by pitching equivalency. 

The bigger concern is, as pindac pointed out: The Tube Museum trying to bully through the sale.  So much of the fun of this hobby is building relationship with others who have the passion and have a wealth of knowledge that they are willing to share.  If the is no evidence of that from the outset, then I simply walk away, which I did in this case.

I agree that new tubes from the big producers are good.  I'm going to try the new 12AU7 Telefunkens and compare them to my NOS Tele ECC802Ss.  I recently compared the Psvane ACME 274b to the Richard Kron 5U4G.  Both were excellent, though I preferred the KR 5U4G.  Better holographics and overall frequency control.  I have the Psvane 12AU7s and they are very good.
