The Golden era of Japanese integrated amps, are we missing out?

Maybe it’s just me but.....
I just threw together an el cheapo system with a Sansui A-2100 integrated at its heart and diminutive Wharfedale Diamond 220 speakers.

And I still cannot get over just how good and right it sounds.... All for $240 total shipped!

So this got me thinking about the golden era of Japanese equipment and while tuners , tape decks and turntables appear to have large followings and a large knowledge and fan base, I do not get the same vibe on integrated amps?

Are there devotees of these amps out there?
I very rarely hear anybody talking about them and so many can be picked up for peanuts, I mean $75 shipped in perfect working order and decent cosmetics( and built in mm phono to boot!).
Are they likely to be the next " big thing" or?

@kosst_amojan , true that! The jewels of these amplifiers are the best audio components of all times, as far as I am concerned...hence the associated high cost.

That said, I find it ludicrous even thinking of sacrificing one of my Yamaha B-1s or a Sony TAN-8550 or TA-N7 to attempt to come up with anything even close in terms sound and reliability....I am a super fan of Mr Pass designs, but still would not do something that crazy.

If you are looking to take a shot at some Pass V-fet designs, I suggest to take on something that leverages the Tokin devices. Those are still available if you look around a little.

Good Luck!

here is an interesting review of a new vs old, similar integrates from same manufacturer (no affiliation)

Hello, I live in Mexico City and I have an 8B marantz, with its pre 7t, and its turntable slt and everything is like new! I bought it without knowing how it was heard, just because I liked the way it looked, when I get home and connected it, wow! it is one of my favorite toys, I have it connected to a 19 altec lansing and that is at a very good level, compared to current good equipment... I can't believe the quality they made in that time.
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in that case one of the TAN-4650 or TAN-5650 from Sony might be worth looking at. Sony sold many of those first gen integrates and while they do not have the survival rate of Yamaha, there are some still around. 
The Sony v-fets are probably more linear than Yamaha's and rather easier to match since Sony was not so coy about marking them by rank...well Yamaha and NEC did in a sense too, but that can be debatable.