The Gear to drive Mini Maggies

First, I wanted to say hello to everyone. So, I am at a point where I want to start potentially building a nice desktop speaker system. I don't have a listening room and my pc desk is inside my entertainment room which is probably medium to large in size. For mostly near field listening would the following items be overkill or would you recommend something else?

1.) Amp: Bryston 28bsst2 (1 for each speaker).
2.) Preamp: Bryston BP26
3.) DAC: Asus Essence one (already own it for headphones figured I would use the balanced out to the preamplifier if that works).
4.) Power Conditioner: Bryston BIT20 Power Conditioner.
5.) Speakers: 2 Mini Maggies
6.) Sub Woofer: Martin Logan Descent i

Now I admit I am not really good at any of this and it would be my first real audiophile set up for speakers. Do you guys think I missed anything from a sound stand point? I appreciate any help that you can provide.

Thank you,
I have two ideas for you. First, if you want to stick with mono-blocks and the Mini Maggies, check out the Music Fidelity M1s. They are a class-d mono with 100 watts at 8ohm, that doubles to 200 watts at 4ohms. The reviews I read said they sound best with 4ohm speakers, so they might be a good match for you. They retail for $2,600, however, I just got a pair from Music Direct for $1,000. I don't own maggies, so I can't say how they sound together. I will say I have heard most Maggies with class-D, and they sounded great. This will leave you more money for other gear.

Second idea relates to the room size. If you want Maggies and near/far listening...what about some wall mounted Magnepans. That and the DWM panel might fit the bill.

Just some ideas,
Just wanted to say I appreciate everyone's advice. I'll continue to research and actually go out and listen to some high end audio speakers. Thanks again. ��
For your consideration:
I chose the Peachtree combo of the Nove Pre (which is a DAC, preamplifier, and headphone amp; also hybrid tube/Class A) and 220 amplifier. I chose them based on reviews (that the Peachtree products were good for digital, which is my setup (iMac, MOG, Amarra), plus they dropped the price - under 2k total, delivered for the pair - in rosewood. The amp can put over 400wpc into 4 ohms, which should be enough. Two reviewers ToneAudio and 'confessions of a part time audiophile' both liked the set running Magnepans (the latter, specifically with the mini's).

Two other considerations - if desktop/nearfield, that might mean space and aesthetic considerations (for big amps, for subs). If you're intending to use the MM for a room setup, that's different.

I can't comment on the sound (yet). My local dealer is waiting for his set to come in. I could order them before auditioning them as Magnepan offers a 30 day in home trial, but I"m waiting until I hear them first.

Good luck in your search!
For your consideration:
I chose the Peachtree combo of the Nove Pre (which is a DAC, preamplifier, and headphone amp; also hybrid tube/Class A) and 220 amplifier. I chose them based on reviews (that the Peachtree products were good for digital, which is my setup (iMac, MOG, Amarra), plus they dropped the price - under 2k total, delivered for the pair - in rosewood. The amp can put over 400wpc into 4 ohms, which should be enough. Two reviewers ToneAudio and 'confessions of a part time audiophile' both liked the set running Magnepans (the latter, specifically with the mini's).

Two other considerations - if desktop/nearfield, that might mean space and aesthetic considerations (for big amps, for subs). If you're intending to use the MM for a room setup, that's different.

I can't comment on the sound (yet). My local dealer is waiting for his set to come in. I could order them before auditioning them as Magnepan offers a 30 day in home trial, but I"m waiting until I hear them first.

Good luck in your search!
I just bought a Parasound Halo A23 on eBay or $540. I use it to drive the KEF LS50 on my desktop. I was debating whether to get the KEF LS50, Audience ONE, or Magnapan Mini for my desktop. A friend bought the KEF to my place to try with the A23 amp. I ended up ordering a new pair of KEF's from amazon the same day (available Sept 27th). I never tried the Mini or ONE. KEF was really good.

I think the A23 should be able to drive the Mini's.