The Future of Hifi is just being Discovered

I found this to be very interesting to learn that electrons move like water. Also even more interesting to learn Cryo really is on the cutting edge and it's implications for the future are just being learned. Fascinating stuff






Showing 6 responses by mahgister

And I, for one, welcome our new A I overlords.

Alas! i am afraid you are right....

Our technology is too advanced for our own social primitive and feodal corporate organization, and too advanced for our moral standing...

I am worry, because A.I. is already a social problem because the way it will be used...

Artificial brain and artificial consciousness pose more bigger problem than A.I. too...

We are at the crossroads in all human history between self destructive apes or loving evolving humans....

I dont see leaders with the necessary stature to guide us...

Geniuses are too advanced to be understood, and political leaders now are unbelievably stupid they speak to programmed bots and apes...

I cannot figure out the future...

I am optimist though because i know if suffering exist death dont exist at last...

If i did not know that i would be desesperate these days...

Doistoievsky book help too : "the dream of a ridiculous man"

it is my favorite tale so deep it is impossible to fathom it all...

Dostoievsky is an higher intelligence so much, Niestzche himself look like almost an idiot compared to him, ( i am half joking N. is by far not an idiot) for me Doistoievsky combine Shakespeare acute perception of men like N. himself but with Blaise Pascal intuitive higher perception unlike N. ....

D. like N. integrate their experiences in their own body, but N. fate was dissolution in madness and D. fate was the creation  a steel brain with a feeling heart...

There is no counterpart to D. in all  litterature and philosophy ...Only geniuses bordering on angel intelligence...They are not much numerous....


Pinheads....Angels are the ’us’ that stoop to assist others, be it the puppy in the dumpster or the stranger in obvious bad straits that can be helped.

Exactly right...

Spirituality is not religion...


It is the consciousness feeling of our interconnectedness by the heart...

What is amazing for me is that mathematics can help us to "understand" cosmic interconnectedness...It is more important to feel it yes , but some understanding is awesome ...It is called science...Feeling it is spirituality...

My only one discovery was when i was 24 years old, the stupendous highest possible complexity/simplicity ratio behind the primes numbers distribution and its meaning...A perfect musical balance guessed by Riemann.......

That was my "religious" moment illumination...A mystical experience for sure...Mathematics is the highest yoga for me...

I designed a simple way to represent them with modulo 6 congruences discovered by Gauss in an hexagon tiling and in an indefinite increasing rectangle ...

"All" essential mathematics visualized in a single picture...

In 1975 i read the first book of Mandelbrot in his only french first publishing...I read him even before his first  book, in a "pleiade gallimard" article about science modelling  epistemology  and telephone line cascading errors modelling , he invented fractals to model a very concrete Bell telephone interference problems😁😊 ... This was my second mathematical illumination...

If primes numbers are everything, Geometry is also everything...

Alain Connes taught me lately that "music" is the missing link between numbers and geometry...

Many others comes after confirming these one...

It is the reason why it takes me 5 minutes to order the book  and understand the deep usefulness of  Anirban concepts about the mathematical way to design the first  "artificial brain" and his "artificial consciousness" ...Do not confuse with A.I. it is not the same mathematics at all...



We Need a ’planetary war stance’ to save ourselves against ourselves/

Mars or the moon is Not an Option.

Reference: The movie Don’t Look Up.

The ending scene is what I suspect would happen. clueless 1%ers naked on another hostile planet with nil support and no ’drones’ to prop them up.

Humanity ends with an ’Oops’....

The actual leaders of western powers are on the verge of complete stupidity...

I cannot even believe it even after seeing it....


Thanks then i will see this movie this evening i think...





The best description of an artificial consciousness, not an artificial intelligence is given by an Indian scientist, whose originality is staggering... Artificial intelligence is based on a mathematic of statistical neural network, Anirban artificial consciousness is based on a much higher mathematic non Turing theory integrating any possible usual neural network A.I. like a mere single cell or an eye or an arm...

He was the first to investigate the necessary properties of microtubules for the Orch theory of Penrose...He is not a "sterile" philosopher then... 😁😊

He was the first to conceptualize non Turing auto-programmation of time fractals crystals...

Dr.Anirban Bandyopadhyay Senior Scientist at the National Institute for Materials Science, Japan


The condition for self awareness is a paradoxically a time synchronization of all clocks through all the scales of the cosmos, then an artificial brain must be able to synchronize itself with the cosmos..

How ?

He designed the mathemathics to do so, using geometry and the prime numbers distribution cleverly ...

I am amazed by his first book "nanobrains" ( 10 to come)

The common definition today is self awareness.

Then you are right but self awareness imply a timing relation with the universe at all scale...Anirban’s artificial brain ( the first one) illustrate how to do it...

The soul is just a construct of those afraid to die, permanently.

Here your claim is 19 century notion of matter and materialist theology...

You are completely wrong...

The soul participate from the timing interaction between all living entities in the cosmos...

The spirit is a level higher....

Materialism is dead for a long time now....Sorry for the news...

Read Goethe ....And Grothendieck and Mochizuki his successor , and Alain Connes amazing non commutative geometry theory about time and "music" converging completely with Anirban theory...

I dont want to die with the mathematics of the 19 century....Technology without mathematics is blind and deaf ...



I’d like to ’talk’ to Googles’ supposed ’aware’ AI.

The problem with this engineer revelation about the supposed or alleged "consciousness" of A.I. is not the hypothetical question about his " consciousness"...

The Turing test will never prove anything, Turing was bright enough to know that people will never unite around a common definition of consciousness...

He then proposed his own version of a "blind test"...

The problem is very simple, most people and me included,. we will think at some point or interact with A.I. the way we think when  we interact with humans or dogs  because it is our natural habit to react like this in a conversation...A domesticated dog has a new consciousness of his own , a kind of intelligence to read us no other animals own...

Then it is humans that will lend consciousness to the A.I. and when something you interact with borrow your own consciousness, it become real...

And in this interaction it will be the human who will be changed in something less than what they are already...

The soul is not an habit, nor a program, everything has a soul of his own, sleeping like a princess... The soul is a primordial interaction under their own conscious intelligence   between animated spirits which unite them ...

Beware  who sleep and you  want to kiss....





For the future of Hi-Fi it will be an internalized A.I. coupling our brain/ears with the room/speakers or the micro headphones like with Smyth realizer but on a way more deep level....

The rest is only improvement in the engineering materials and so great this will be, this cannot beat controlled acoustic/psycho-acoustic...

Acoustic and psycho-acoustic  control beat most engineering upgrade even now...

For sure i can be wrong...

It is only my take with my little experience in my room...


Unorthodox and original with more wit than most can handle...

Asvjerry shine a light of his own....

My deepest respect and thanks for make us smile and even think ....Especially me....

I need it....
