The Fisher Model 420

This is not a solicitation to sell. It's a request for information.

I have a Fisher Model 420 from the 1960s.

The cabinet has been modified to contain cassette tapes storage and the turntable was replaced. Besides,I'm guessing the cost of shipping the cabinet would be prohibitive.

Inside are two woofers,two midrange,and two tweeters.

There are two electronic pieces. One is a Chassis 30-A and the other a Chassis 510-ST.

I found the 30-A in the bluebook but nothing about the Chassis 510-ST.

Do either the drivers or the electronic pieces have resale value?

If so,what is a fair price to ask?

Thank you.

Showing 1 response by elevick

Ok, I'm a little confused here. The 510 is stereo, the 30-A is mono. Do you have a pair of 30-A amps? Both pieces are nice vintage gear and have a solid following with good potential. A single 30-A won't fetch you nearly the price of a pair. Condition makes a huge difference too. Ebay might get you anywhere from 50-99 for the pre and 100-200 for the amp. A fully restored pair of 30-A amps can go for big bucks. Check out for more info. The preamp is kind of an ugly console mounted unit. If the chassis and faceplate are all one big unit it is worth much more than what you will see on radiomuseum.
The speakers might get a couple of bucks on ebay?