The end of Cinepro?

I read some messages at another site about problems at Cinepro (no product shipping, unanswered calls, website not updated) in the wake of Eric A.'s death. Anyone have additional info?
Cinepro is not going anywhere. It is simply going through some rough times because of Eric's death. He did such an incredible amount for the company that without him (and he was genius) it has been a real challenge to keep things rolling at the pace he had set. Cinepro was Erics dream, and reality.( for all curious, he died tragically on the operating table during a routine operation.) Bear with Cinepro and the folks working thier butts off to keep up with the incredible demand of the loyal customer base. No one was even close to prepared for the leader and visionary to pass as quick, and unexpected as he did. Someone will pick up where he left off. God rest his soul.
Yesterday I noticed a local dealing offering his Cinepro stock at really incredible discounts. When I asked why, he just said, "Oh, no reason, really."

Yeah, right.
