The Dead

Just read where the incoming speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid are huge fans of the Grateful Dead. While I do not agree with their politics, it is refreshing to see politicians who are also music lovers. Comments?

Showing 4 responses by gunbei

What's this, no fighting yet? What are you, a buncha political eunuchs?! I remember the last time a thread just like this was initiated it degraded into an emotional free-for-all. Come on! Take off yer skirts and fight, men?

I think Condi Rice looks like a Ferengi and John Kerry looks like the evil scientist from ReAnimator.
Boa2, at least you guys still have Albert Porter around. He'll never be able to live down his naked stripper and wet Fruit-o-the-Loom weekend at the Hardrock Casino from CES 2003.

Albert was fine and dandy until ol' Mattybumpkin and the king of sin himself Jax2 got him drunk and gave him 175 dollars and zero cents in singles. Albert kept demanding a two-for-one $6 dollar lap dance from I think, Brandy was her name. One thing lead to another,and poor old Albert woke up the next day in the bathroom of his hotel room wearing only his completely soaked-thru briefs.

Albert is one wild Texas photog!
Hey Dan, I've been so busy with work the last 8 months or so, I only get to drop into the 'Gon about once every other month or so, so a lightning counterattack from me could take weeks, heheh. How've you been my friend?!

As for Albert. It's not that your response didn't warrant a comeback, it's that I was humbled into silence by your Porterism. It always amazes me that you photogs [you and Jax2] also have the ability to combine humor with insight. Does staring through a viewfinder or looking at a 3" LCD display all day help focus your wit? You guys are regular audiophile Walt Whitmans, heheh.

Candi, Mandi, Brandi, Sandi or whatever his or her name was hasn't been by in awhile. In fact, that fling lasted only one night. When I woke up the next day and saw the wig, false teeth and wooden leg scattered around my hotel room I checked out without even getting dressed. How humiliating.

Now where's Slappy and his board with rusty nail story?