The Cost of Cables

We all know that there have been countless posts with endless debates about cables on every audio forum available. The reason I start this post is to garner thoughts from others on the cost of cables, not necessarily whether they make a difference or not. I find the prices for cables staggering and I (me personally) do not understand where the cost comes from. Some will say R&D, ok, I can go for that to a point, but can the manufacturing of wire really cost much? (In thinking about this, the discussion could be applied to audio as a whole.)

Obviously cable companies survive because we purchase their products, I include myself. But if we quit paying these large prices, would prices fall dramatically or would they just quit making cables such as we know it and/or close their doors?

Showing 1 response by aball

I agree with Tvad. In hi-fi in general, sales numbers are too small to bring costs down substantially.

Now this doesn't mean I agree with $3000 power cords. I think there is some overinflation going on too.

Also, have you noticed how many cables (and amps) have actually seen big price increases lately? One dealer told me it is because the cost of copper and silver has skyrocketed.
