The Chord Co.

I've not seen anything posted here regarding ICs and S/C from The Chord Co. (UK firm). I do know a few people, mostly Linn afficionados, who use these cables, but I can find no reviews, comparisons, views, etc. Anyone out there with any experience with these cables?

Showing 4 responses by cpdunn99

Audioobsessed: thanks for the feedback... glad to here from an actual user. Turns out a friend of mine has some. I'm going to give them a listen.

Mt10425: not familiar with BEL. Thanks for the tip.
Thanks, Lugnut, for your views. They do seem to be relatively inexpensive, so I might give them a try. I'm curious as to why you think they might not be a match for my system. I'm trying to rid this rig of a slight darkness, which I attribute in part to too much copper. A copper/silver IC and/or speaker cable might help? No? All the best.
Yes, I got yer drift, Lugnut! I've been in touch with the fellow at RidgeStreet, and that is another route I'm looking into. As for the DIY, that's another, and cheaper, option. I have a DIY powercord in my system, which I like a lot, but have never tackled an IC. Sure, send me the recipe and I'll see what I can do with it.
Musketier.... thanks for the suggestions and comments. Much appreciated. I'm not sure if you're recommending I try the Odyssey or the Blue Heaven to deal with the slight darkness.