The CD player is dead.......

I am still waiting for someone to explain why a cd player is superior to storing music on a hard drive and going to a dac. Probably because you all know it's not.

Every cd player has a dac. I'll repeat that. Every cd player has a dac. So if you can store the ones and zeros on a hard drive and use error correction JUST ONCE and then go to a high end dac, isn't that better than relying on a cd player's "on the fly" jitter correction every time you play a song? Not to mention the convenience of having hundreds of albums at your fingertips via an itouch remote.

If cd player sales drop, then will cd sales drop as well, making less music available to rip to a hard drive?
Maybe, but there's the internet to give us all the selection we've been missing. Has anyone been in a Barnes and Noble or Borders lately? The music section has shown shrinkage worse than George Costanza! This is an obvious sign of things to come.....

People still embracing cd players are the "comb over" equivalent of bald men. They're trying to hold on to something that isn't there and they know will ultimately vanish one day.

I say sell your cd players and embrace the future of things to come. Don't do the digital "comb over".

Showing 9 responses by oakleys

nobody knows how much the fanless units are? because the fans on pc's, you know, you can hear them, you can hear them working. they are noisy. is fan noise for pc based units the pops and clicks of dirty vinyl? Of course you can always clean the vinyl, what can you do about the fan noise?

ok, i found out a base unit for a fanless units start at $2,299 from

good luck from there.
if cd is the comb-over to whatever fashionable hairdo the harddrive is, what does that make my plugs?

if you are happy with your tarddrive set up, be happy. if you are so insecure about your decision...ok, you're right. Your stereo sounds better, you win.

if someone is already enjoying their cdp, assuming their interest is enjoying music and not following trends or collecting new gear, what do they gain from explaining why?

btw, i have thousands of cd and thousands of lps at my ACTual fingertips. very convenient as well.
i was just asking whats the point in asking?

mostly benefit of cdp is to play and enjoy music, assumed from a collection of cds. real simple too see if you have cds and a cdp, its superior to having to buying a harddrive and external dac and etc.

ok, simply explain to me superiority of harddrive and dac to cdp, and tt.

and is mp3 player the faux hawk?

im off to spinning some wax with the incredible guitar of wes montgomery, then some sonny sharrock and maybe some derek bailey.

So, in one scenario you need to pay $2,299 for a harddrive that is quiet enough to be placed the listening room. This is a "high end solution" according to a "high end" retailer named goodwins. I think this reality adds to the "explain why" cdp is superior to harddrive. The $2,299 doesn't even take into account the DAC needed. Or the knowledge and time needed to set up and transfer.

So...I don't want to jump to conclusions but I think its easy to see how owning a pocket watch is preferred.

Hey, I'm not trying to bash anyone.

I am not kidding you. I looked into computer audio thanks to your post, and I found goodwins high end selling fanless harddrives. and they cost $2,299 for a fanless unit, and thats before a dac. and that is what I mentioned.

So you mention you can BARLEY hear anything, that means you can hear SOMETHING. That means the noisefloor is raised, that means why even bother paying money to get gear with a superquiet noisefloor if your computer is going to make a BARLEY noise that ruin all my good intentions.

Well, for us who like to only hear the music we paid to hear, well then an option exists that cost's $2,299 for a fanless silent unit. Before DAC.

My computer is a laptop, and I only use it for internet porn and engaging conversation with folks like yourself.

so what?
wow. attack me all you like. I did not make lp sound better than cd sound better than tarddrive.