The Cartridgeman Isolater.

This device get sandwiched between the cartridge and
the arm and could potentially bring down the noise floor
by 3db.
Has anyone here tried it ?
I woud be curious to know about the specific qualitative
influences it might had brought to your sound.
I also wonder what is the principle at work.......

Showing 2 responses by freshpuma

Hi Dgad.

The Isolater will add a very small amount of mass, and that may have some sonic advantages with some carts. However, what I heard when using the Isolator was the result of the decoupling. So I don't think adding blu-tak will have the same effect.


I bouught the Isolator about a year ago and mounted it on my Transfiguration Temper V. At the time, I really found it to boost the performance of my analog system a lot, and I really could not detect any drawbacks. So I would recommend the Isolator highly. However, sometimes you have to change things back and forth some times to really get to the bottom of the sonic differences. Since it's glued to the cart, it's very difficult to take it of whithout ruin it. That's not so good I think, because as with everything else in HiFi, a suppose the benifit of the Isolator is system dependent. I really think the Cart Man should put a couple of those double-sided adhesive tapes inside the box, so it would be easy to use it on several cartridges.
