The Canadians that visit the site

It would be helpful to know who else lives in the Great White North, certainly make buying/selling/trading gear a little easier without worrying about our good friends at Canadian customs trying to take more hard earned money from us. I'm in Montreal, email addy is

Showing 4 responses by stereokarter

Brampton, Ontario...home to Magnum where this active audiolover lives. And Jeffo, since when were Canada Customs "our good friends"...remember the old days with punitive import duty and sales tax? I surely do..when I had to buy my kart-racing parts from good ole USA. By the way, I'm a 'tube 'n tuner' guy with many Scott tuners (no 4310 but I do have a 310E and 310D/mpx. Make my own custom solid aluminum racks from bar stock. Always something new. Colm
ElGordo, if you return to the States with audio gear, NOTHING will happen to you at the border! Unless it were during the Cold War Years and you happened to have Russian (ssh!) tubes under your balaclava! And don't mention "Lamm" either. Remember, some of the worrld's BEST gear is made here in the Great White North.. we don't spend all of our time just playing HOCKEY (ICE is Labatt's..too strong for you guys)..check out Newform Research ribbon speakers, for e.g. Regards, Colm
No, Manfred is pretty tight with 101a's..after all it is his bread & butter. However, my daughter plays baseball with his grand-daughter, and you should hear the stories about the dedicated wiring at his cottage! MD tuners are scarce in Ont....though the odd one does show in Buy & Sell or in audio stores. They go immediately, and are often resold on eBay! The 101A (I've owned 2 different ones) are a standard and a delight to use, with a superbly selective and clear sound...I prefer my Scott tuners but these are much less sensitive and are more difficult to fragile in comparison to MD. Next for me will be the big MD!
For high-end audio stores try Take5 Audio (site), nw of Toronto, and in The Toronto Area, American Sound - "Angie's" the biggest and best known with all the big namebrands (site), Audio One, Audio Excellence (2 stores), Brack Electronics (2 stores), Applause Audio (downtown), Executive Stereo (uptown), Great Metroploitan Sound (nearby ES), and Alternative Audio in Dundas (near Hamilton). That's IT!

P.S. In Blue Mountain you have your transistor radio for your enjoyment!