The Canadians that visit the site

It would be helpful to know who else lives in the Great White North, certainly make buying/selling/trading gear a little easier without worrying about our good friends at Canadian customs trying to take more hard earned money from us. I'm in Montreal, email addy is

Showing 1 response by jstones

1. Tandberg 3001a tuner for U$ 650.00, shipping included.
The Seller wrhigts on the package:" old tuner for a friend"
value $100.00 ( doesn't say what kind...). Insures it for
U$650.00. Got it through Post air mail in 8 days. Duty $15.
2. E88CC Siemens tubes for U$85.00 Seller states: " tubes,
value U$85 ( translates into Can$130.00 ). Duty fees $25.
I don't mean to say: "better buy a tuner than tubes..." but
make sure you instruct the Seller with respect to "value"
issue and other additional information. Specialy when they
live in California while we enjoy the long winter up North ...and have to pay 15% tax too( that's 7%GST and 8%PST ).
What a life! Cheers!