The Cable Company - Wow

As someone who's been buying cable in the dark for years, I'm positively blown away with the Cable Company.

I purchased some Cardas Hexlink speaker cables through "" (part of Cable Co.). If I bought them used from a private party, I'd be stuck - since they're definitely forgeries.

But since I bought through these guys, they sent me a whole box of cables (another pair of Cardas, Purist Audio, Goertz, Transparent Audio, Oval 9's). Paying only for the freight I was able to demo thousands of dollars worth of already burnt in cables to know what was right for me.

And yes, the new Hexlinks were night and day better than the suspected forgeries. But maybe just as importantly, the expertise you get from them is amazing. Tell them about your system, and what you're looking to achieve, and these guys really narrow down all the options to more of what you want and can afford.

All the cables sent to me were different, but on the money in terms of what I was looking for, and I could live with any of them.

I'm so impressed and amazed with them I've got to say auditioning or buying new or used cable through anyone else would be doing myself a disservice. There's absolutely no reason to buy cable by shooting in the dark anymore (as I've been doing for years).

Use these guys and take the risk out of the process.

Showing 6 responses by dan_ed

Haha! Ya' got me. I'm a victim of my own kind of sarcasm thrown back at me!

BTW, I'm on my 4th day of listening tests of the cables from the Cable Company. Too early for a decision, I still have 2 more cables to listen to.
I have a box of 4 different speaker cables enroute to me from the Cable Co. for listening tests. I'll be comparing these against each other and a set that I have on loan from another dealer. Although I have purchased used cables from them before, this is the first time I have used their Listening Library service. This really is a great service that they provide.
So Bbaxley2,

Are you pissed because they do it well or because you didn't think of it first? As for me, where do I apply?!? If it is anything like you describe it sounds like the best of American entrepreneurial spirit at work. :)
Sorry to misinterpret your post, Bbaxley2. I suppose my response to you was not well formed either as I meant it to be received in a joking spirit. My appologies.

And, no. I don't correspond with, nor do I support or even read any stereo magazines.
Synergistic Research Resolution Fx, Wireworld Equinox 5, and JPS Superconductor+. I also had a set of Purist Audio Opis from another dealer to compare. So I've been busy the last couple of weeks but it has also been a boatload of fun. All are very good cables and each does something a bit different than the other. In my system it came down to the Opis and the Resolution Fx. The bass control and LF transparency of the Opis is excellant but they are a tad dark in the mid and HF. This is where the Resolution Fx really shine. On the other hand the Resolution lack any real LF definition, which I believe the Synergistic folks do recommend using another of their cables for better LF response. Matter of fact, I was getting the best results with the Opis driving the woofers and the Resolution Fx driving the uppers, but there was a noticeable step to the crossover circuit response due to this configuration. Now there was not a huge difference in the HF between Opis and Resolution but it was discernable. My speakers tend to be a bit on the dark side so I need a brighter sounding cable for my tastes.

So in the end I ordered 2 pair of Purist Audio Venustas. I understand that the Opis is made with gold and copper where as the Venustas are made with silver and something else I don't recall. This should give me the best qualities of the Opis with the addition of greater transparency due to the silver content. Guess I'll have to find another way to make use of that credit with The Cable Company. I don't mind that because by using their service and auditioning cables I really feel comfortable with my choice.
Sorry. Speakers. I'm bi-amping, thus the discussion on seperation of HF and LF.