The "British Invasion". A question for you old farts out there.

In school as a young teen ager, we has two groups....the Beatles fans and the Dave Clark Five fans, which I was one of.  In your youth did you have different cliques (I am thinking high school) based on what bands/singers they liked?  I was also in the minority by being a Del Shannon fan.  (yes, I am a dinosaur! ).  Thankfully I aged into Jazz and Classical for the most part, but did enjoy some popular music in the 80s.   And you?


Showing 5 responses by jusam

Don't you just love age prejudice, it is so intellectual.

Much of the Jazz I love is from the 40s through the 60s, so I guess Miles, Chet, Bach and Mozart are simply just old fashioned music for those not with it. 

The lead singer for the Dave Clark Five was Mike Smith. Mike died a few years back because of complications from an earlier accident.  Actually I looked it up and Mr. Smith died longer ago than I thought.  Time does pass quickly.

I agree with your post as I am always Hungry for those good things 

Paul Revere and the Raiders' Pop Legacy in 5 Songs
  • "Kicks" (1966) Paul Revere and the Raiders. ...
  • "Hungry" (1966) Paul Revere and the Raiders. ...
  • "Good Thing" (1966) Paul Revere and the Raiders. ...
  • "Him Or Me, What's It Gonna Be" (1967) ...
  • "Indian Reservation (The Lament Of the Cherokee Reservation Indian)" (1971)

I saw the mention of the group War.  One wonderful day of my life was driving with the top down and my best friend to Road America for The Historic Races and "All Day Music" by War came on.  The song simply added to one of the best times of my life.