The "British Invasion". A question for you old farts out there.

In school as a young teen ager, we has two groups....the Beatles fans and the Dave Clark Five fans, which I was one of.  In your youth did you have different cliques (I am thinking high school) based on what bands/singers they liked?  I was also in the minority by being a Del Shannon fan.  (yes, I am a dinosaur! ).  Thankfully I aged into Jazz and Classical for the most part, but did enjoy some popular music in the 80s.   And you?


Showing 2 responses by edcyn

Let me get this straight... You were a member of the Dave Clark Five? In any case, I loved 'em. My Dave Clark Five LP seems to have gone MIA at the moment but me and my sister played the record all the time. I remember seeing them on several pop music/dance shows of the day. I loved Del Shannon and most all of the bands that played driving rock-and-roll and were fronted by a rangy, folkie tenor. Roy Orbison makes regular appearances on my stereo. It's actually that style of rock/pop music that induced me to put something other than classical on the radio/hi-fi.
As sns says... Anyway, before the Beatles went on Ed Sullivan, I was strictly a classical guy, with occasional forays into show tunes thanks to the fact my mother and aunt danced and did bit parts in several 1940’s movie musicals. I hated rock-and-roll. Then the Beatles showed up and turned my taste upside down. As for the Dave Clark Five, they had their share of hype during the first moments of the British Invasion but in hindsight they come off as little more than a Swinging Sixties footnote.