The Big Ayon Triton KT-88 Int Amp- tube rolling?

I am quite pleased with the stock tubes, however am wondering if any Ayon Triton owners have tried anything other than the Gold Lion Re-issued KT-88's? As for the input tubes, how about the RCA 12au7's- tried anything else?

**And as a sidebar- as this is an integrated with Direct preamp input option, has anyone actually tried to add another preamp in front of it with good results?
My experience with GENALEX KT88'S has not been good. Also, with my AYON dealer and a couple of my friends. Catastrophic failures that end up taking out circuitry ending up with expensive repairs, depending upon the amp. Even my AYON dealer had his shop demo amp damaged by failing GENALEX KT88'S. I have also read a great deal about this issue from users all over the world. Bottom line; - - Great sounding while the work, but horrible reliability. Obviously different people may have different experiences.
Try TUNGSRAM 12AU7's. You can get them through AYON or go to the internet for half the price. I paid the AYON price just to be certain I have certified tubes that are carefully matched and conditioned. KT88's is another matter. I am currently using SHUGUANG "BLACK THEASURES". Wonderful sounding tube once broken in but there is a lingering unreliability issue. So, - - what AYON has done is to manufacture their own KT88'S in their European tube plant. AYON claims they will sonically out perform any KT88 available today with "tank like" reliability. They had better be relaible at $225.00 ea.

Haven't heard them yet, but I know that AYON has spend several years in development and testing with almost 100% results. By the way, they are doing the same thing with the 12AU7's. Don't know when they will be available.
stay withe the Genalex KT88. I switched out the 12au7's with old Phillips from Upscale Audio. Got a little more bass and female vocals were a tad better too.
My new TRITON II replaces my old AIRTIGHT ATM2(sold) which itself replaced my former AR Classic60.(it's equipped wth original KT88 and 12AU7,i will try KT120 later on)
It's been a hard work to optimize the interconnects (between my Weiss DAC2 CD DA converter and the Triton)and the speaker wires(bi-amp of Duntech prince's)
If the wires are not optimized,the result is bad.
The speaker's (-)has been made in flat siltech, the low (+) in pure silver 0.6 mm diameter,le high (+) in litz wire(12X0.1 + 3X0.2mm),all wires bein separated to avoid "proximity effect"which leads to losing transparency.(minimum length)
Bass extension is depending from the section of interconnects mass (i use assymetric),the best being 6X0.1litz + 2X26AWG silver plated wrapping wire,the (+)being in litz wire(24X0.04 +6X0.1).
The result is the best ever obtained at home, almost no sibilance,minimum medium hardness even on red book CD's,extended highs ,"infrasonic" lows,lack of fatigue in long listening,good dynamics, wide and deep scene.Voices are purer than with the AIRTIGHT,details go deeper than with the AIRTIGHT,and highs are more extended.I prefer the pentode mode,since scene is wider than on triode,and dynamics slightly more free,triode creates a more(very pure) "intimate" mood.
Sturdy amp,i am happy,the sole potential serious contenders being the new AR's VA115 or REFERENCE110 equipped with KT120,not compared,which-may be-could offer higher dynamics?
Quite reassuring.

It has been reviews of these sort that have made me plunge into the tube arena with the Ayon Triton. Could not settle for anything else since, i wanted to avoid the tension of speakers. BUT i shall certainly go the way for better speakers in terms of higher sensitivity than B&W 805, in sometime.

Thanks for sharing ur bit.
i have a friend who had the ayon spark and just loved the amperex 7316's in it.
thanks guys- I do keep in touch with Paul at USA Tube Audio (Ayon Distributors) about this from time to time, and I do know that they are always 'on the hunt' for the best tube combo for the Ayon amps- they still recommend what was shipped with my Triton- the Gold Lion KT-88's and RCA 12au7's- no complaints here...
I'm also using a Spirit II with no issues. Good bass for a tube amplifier I should add.
Has anyone had experience with the monster kt120 tubes - adding more power and experiencing cleaner dynamics. I think this is in the test phase with Ayon but not shure.
Sutts, I have The Spirit 2 , but am using the RCA 12 au'7s and like them very much with the amp. Also I tried SED KT 88s will I was buring in some new speakers, but much prefer the Gold Lion's in this amp

David 2, I've had my Ayon Spirit 2 for several months, it is extremely well built, no tech issues at all, easy to bias, and holds bias well, very musical amp
As a slightly different point, I have heard good things about Ayon and liked what I heard at a recent show. Can anyone comment in general, how happy they are with the amps, quality and reliability? thanks
Sutts. I have both the Genelex Gold Lion KT88 and the new Shuguang KT88-Z black bottle Treasure series tubes. The Genelex absolutely stomp on the EH, Svets or anything else in current production, and the Shuguang KT88-Z has a more layered sounding background when fully burned in, but really boils down to your audio-tastebuds and upsource components. As for the direct input theory, I run an Ayon CD5 direct into the Triton and I tell you truthfully, this short path signal will make you wonder why you have invested in a preamp at all, especially if you only have one or two sources. The first step however, is to get yourself a Triton, then you can know first hand what the talk is all about. Military Jan 5814's do a nice job in the pre section as well.