The best Standmount Loudspeaker $6k or under

I have just recently purchased the New Carbon 7-SE Loudspeaker.
It has several upgrades starting with a Very good quality Simple 1st order Xover using only 4 parts Total ,using 2 air core inductors,One Mundorf
Resistor,and one Clarity ESA capacitor. Sonic purity is there the 2 new drivers have an equal share in this .This Scan speak 6620 Illiminator
Tweeter is Very good with excellent detail and air,and very good even off axis. The New Mid- Bass dtiver is a special Carbon pulp cone 4-5 grams lightlySonus Faber uses this in their$20k Loudspeaker. It still has some richness in it's character but,it is noticably faster with a very balanced
Character low level detail as well as inner detail is very impressive.
Mid to low Bass is very addictive deep and articulate going down to
Under40 hz in room that is very impressive for a medium sized big thing also it is about a 88 db load at 4 ohms and the load is so easy my brother 10 watt 300 B can operate with ease and
Good level. I have compared many commercial brands which are
$5k range or a bit more which 50% Cisco dealer markup.
Gor $2,500 these are a Very special Loudspeaker that I will do a full accessment once I get $250-300 hours on them.there are reviews coming
Out probably around Xmas I was told, and a Fritz is a great guy to do business with .he was happy to answer all my questions and shipping
Was included which is allways your homework and compare
What the others have yo offer and find out just what's in their Xover
Most are joke thst is why they refuse to tell you,Highly Recommended.
P.s I am near the Ct,Ma boarder. I f you would may be in the area email me
And check em out.

Showing 2 responses by bhobba

'The new Jupiter copper foil is the trick. $400-$600 for the set of two instead of thousands!'


Had a look at Parts connection. 1uf Duelund RS - $127.00. 1uf Jupiter Copper - $115.00

I know someone that sells both Jupiter and Duelund, as well as builds speakers with them. And those prices reflect exactly what he tells me - lower values - Jupiter wins hand down - price/performance ratio much better. Higher values - not much in it price wise.

Regarding Duelund resistors - forget tolerance - their big advantage is the negative temperature coefficient so that music doesn't become compressed as it gets louder. I have heard the difference and its clearly audible.

A GTG is being talked about out my way where there will be a comparison, in exactly the same speaker and crossover, of

1. Duelund Cast
2. Duelund VSF Copper
3. Duelund RS
4. Jupiter stacked aluminium.
5. Jupiter Copper

If and when that happens it should prove interesting.

My favourite in that range is Lenehan Audio ML2 Reference:

With the current exchange rate it would be under $6K US. But unless you are in Australia you wont be able to hear them unfortunately.

They use Duelund VSF Copper capacitors and Duelund Resistors. Although I think the maker may be switching to the new Duelund RS because Duelund will only be making VSF Copper on special order and by reputation the RS is slightly better.

The new Jupiter capacitors are by reputation very nice but haven't heard them myself. The maker of those speakers is a dealer in Jupiter and I ordered some Jupiter's from him to put in a Leak amp I have to replace some Obligato's. Will see what the go is.

I spoke to him why he doesn't use Jupiter's - they are supposed to be as good as Duelunds. His view is the smaller value Jupiter's are drop dead value and a no brainer over Duelund - any difference in performance is probably not worth the price difference. But for larger values used in speakers they are only slightly cheaper and he prefers, until he has done more listening tests, the Duelund.
