The Best Speakers for a Small Room

I am looking for a pair of speakers for my relatively small (approximately 12x14 ft) listening/living room. I have a McCormack DNA 0.5 Deluxe power amplifer and a Meridian 506.24 CD player. I listen to a lot of different types of music, but mostly to progressive rock (Yes, ELP, King Crimson, Genesis, Gentle Giant), jam bands (Moe., Dave Matthews Band, Phish, String Cheese Incident) bluegrass, and jazz (both fusion and a lot of traditional acoustic). . . in general, very busy music. Does anyone have suggestions for speakers that would match well with my listening room size, electronics, and musical tastes? And yes, before you say it Carl, I realize that room treatment is absolutely critical and will act accordingly. I would prefer to keep the price around $1500 (new or used), but could go up to $2000 if there was something really special out there. Thanks to any and all that respond!

Showing 1 response by ntscdan

I have a 10x12 room and use a pair of JBL 4311 Studio Monitors from the 70s. They are very efficient and would compliment the type of music that you like. These speakers were found in many studios and radio stations in the 70s/80s and a 3 way that is designed to work best tucked into a corner, unlike many speakers that need lots of space around them to perform properly. Since speaker placement is critical for good performance I recommend that you audition before you buy. Used JBL4311's or there "consumer" model which is identical the L100 are available on the net for around $500 a pair. Look on audiogon or ebay. Good luck and happy listening. Dan