The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
Well in this matter you would find out many different opinions and taste here go’s my own.
My #1 speaker it's Tannoy Silvers 15".
Way? Every single sound was natural and everything comes from a single point, not bright or dark just NATURAL.
PD. One day I was doing a cleaning maintenance on my Tannoys and mom comes visiting with her cat. The speaker was upside down on the floor playing some new age music with bird’s sounds. THIS CAT WAS ON FRONT OF THE SPEAKER LOOKING RIGHT IN THE CENTER OF THE SPEAKER LIKE TRAING TO FIND OUT WHERE ARE THOSE BIRDS AND TRING TO FIND OUT WHERE ALL THE SOUND COME FROM. THIS WAS FOR MORES THAN 30 minutes.
In 24 years of been in the Hi Fidelity, This was the only speaker that catch the attention of my Dog and my mother cat. And every time they were in the house I try, and every time these speakers catch their attention, looking right in the center of the speaker.
Wow Oneobgyn I really like your room. You have the perfect space for those. My space may be just a smidgen too small for the X2's, but I just wanted the best. I may try Vanhalla, I'm looking for all pure silver though to coincide with my Oyaide receptacles, binding posts, conditioners and what not. Would be the ultimate clear-sounded synergy...
Boy OH!!! Boy!!!! lots of speakers mentioned here most of them very very good others only good in the minds of the people commenting here, who's to judge them I certainly can't, Especially the guy who liked the sound of inferior electronics with the Monitor Audio versus his Sonus Faber!!! . . Go figure . . .
I think the speaker will faithfully reflect the upstream chain of equipment you are listenning to even the microphones used in the recording, the most important about the speakrs I think is to mate the amplifier well with them.

Example a pair of NHT SB-s'3 and also Classic 3's that I had in my office a while back if you use Aragon 4004-MK-II's there was one typ of sound bell balanced transparent, very well controlled, etc. the Threshold S5000e produced a more lively sound more musical more dynamic, then there is a big surprise I have and old Sunfire Cinema Grand that I no longer use in my HT rig so, I decided to try it as a 2 channel option with the setup and OH MY!!!! it made the speakers sing with joy, I never heard that amplifier sound so good, granted I was using hi calibre power condiitioned from Running Springs Audio and from Exact Power, granted more money from power conditioning than in amplifier I reaquanted myself with this amp that mnade the speakers really sing.
As you see the synergy between component smust be there or you're wasting your valuable Re$$ources . . .

Among the best speakers I have heard are the Merlins, the Von Schweikerts smaller models VR-3 VR-4's (Not the bigger guys) also Eggleston Works Andra's were very convincing argument; of course I don't recall the exact electronics being used on them except a few Wilson Watt/Puppy driven by ML Digital set-up and Spectral amplifier and preamp, (WOW MAJOR WOW!!!), also Vienna Acoustics with Krell electronics and probably the most intimate experience out of the known speaker brands I had with Sonus Faber driven by Pass Electronics, something about that combination really makes the hair in the back of your neck stand out . .
Also made the cut MArtin Logans (the bigger models )not the smaller guys), driven by Classée amplification and pre and also some old and almost lost Hybrid Moscode and also a combination of preamp-less Marantz Cd player w/ volume control direct into Audio research, Classic 60 (I think) into a pair of Vandersteen 3's also my memory bring that back as a very intimate listening experience again raise the hair in the back of your neck.

I will be listening to an fairly Uncknown manufacturer of speakers from Australia called Wide Horn Technologies claimed an efficiency of 95 dB/W/m you can probably make this speaker sing with 10 to 15 watts of good power.
If so then any well built A/AB class amplifier will always drive them on class-A and make them rock, wee shall see is a few weeks,

Something else, speaker cables are essential component a speaker that will sound not very interesting with one type of spealer wire will sound just right with a different cables.

I don't think there is an absolute best speaker out there they all more or less better in differecnt areas.
I still love a pair of NHT 3.3's I own in my HT rig however I relize there are far better speakers now. Again depending on amplifiers used, speakers can sing or sing, and tap dance, and show you their spirit, and . . ..

Hope this helps a little;

Take care; enjoy the music and try to go to a live concert once in a while so you keep your point of view original not comparing against this system against that system, etc.
