The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?

Showing 4 responses by tubeears

I had a dream once that I heard 500 Bose Wave Radio's all wired together with Nordost Valhalla. No Watt/Puppy-6 or or a box full of Quads could even come close to that. It makes me want to go back to sleep.

If it is for Himalayan Sherpa chants ... go for Avante Guard
If it is for Yodeling go for ... Bose.
If it is for Humming go for ... Chevy.

The word "best" covers a lot of ground. It has always been reserved for the Quad ESL-57, but... it is slowly becoming the Gallo Ref. 3.1 (which I have owned for a very short while). I will know for sure when the Edge M6m amp (another Audiogon purchase) gets here next week.
As long as my hiney graces the well worn seat in my recliner, the 3.1's are Nirvana. Only the 57's have given me the musical enjoyment that these funky looking Gallos have.

I believe that you hit the speaker on the head. 'Ole Doc77 seems to hawk everything made of Vapor in his other posts. I've never heard them, quite probably never will. They may be a good or even a great speaker but someone who sneaks the name of equipment into forums, while representing it, should let us know. More power to him if he is a rep. or a dealer, but it seems rather small of someone to disguise himself as a forum blogging consumer. Most people would like to know if they are seeking the advice (of a rep or dealer) beforehand so they can calculate any bias that may be injected into the persons opinion.

My 0.026 cents

Oh, my best speaker: I don't believe that I have heard it yet. In my younger years.... everything was the best ( even the bad), I wish that I could get that feeling now.