The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?

Showing 5 responses by rlapporte

Yes, Ronfr, I sell Rockport speakers, among others. In 2004 I wrote on Audiogon that the WAMM was my favorite speaker. It was at the time and no, I wasn't a Wilson dealer. I have written positively about Transparent Cable, for which I am not a dealer. I currently sell a number of great high-end products, all of which I chose for their sonic virtues, but typically avoid "the best" catagorization and such debates. To my ears, the Arrakis is in a category unto itself. I hope that this does not offend and can be considered to be just one man's opinion.
Boa2, I'll have to refrain from releasing my zen restraint series until I receive your guide to research methods:-) You missed my written ramblings under "Answers." I pop my head out every now and then.

In response to Audio999, if Skull doesn't respond to your Arrakis inquiry, I'd be glad to. For now, I'll only clarify that they are not obscenely priced at $150,000. They are a meager $145,000, which includes setup and delivery in the that's a deal!
Boa2, Sorry that I interpreted your response to be directed toward me. As I re-read it, I see that you were clearly responding to Sphere. harsh accusations and interpretations. I have absolutely no problem disclosing in my posts that I am a dealer and I will again say, to all, that I meant no deception.

Ironically, Ronrf, you have given me, and my status as a dealer, much more attention than I ever intended to receive on this thread. All I wanted was to state a personal opinion. My origninal pithy response was directly related to the thread topic. Although you and some others might have been more comfortable with disclosure, I somehow imagine the possibility of being confronted for diverting the thread to my dealership. I believe that once we finalize our "dealer" account with Audiogon, I will use that log-in and the disclosure issue will be self-evident.

You obviously believe my use of humor to be deflective. I think you are reaching. Perhaps we should get better acquainted. I have no intention of avoiding the use of humor. That said, I truly hope to never offend anyone.

Your use of terms like "by your admission", "until you were called on it" and "..tried to divert attention" suggests that something else is going on here. I'm just not as sinister as you seem to believe. I propose that we put this to rest and not take up any more forum time/space. If there's a personal agenda or issue that I'm not aware of, please feel free to email me personally. I hope this is not perceived as an attempt to hide ... I'm just not sure how else to help put this issue to rest.

Best Regards,
Boa2, thanks for offering the benefit of the doubt, humor, and straightforward expression of the issue. Deception is likely a bigger issue on forums than I considered. I am on a number of Yahoo audio-related forums and have always used my name. Years later, when I opened a store, I disclosed this as well.

My future alternative moniker might have to be a bit more creative than my name:-)).

Best to all,