The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?

Showing 3 responses by mikelavigne

My Kharma Exquisite Reference 1Ds are finally here and i agree with the "golden ears" that have heard them so far that say they are the best speakers they have heard. Totally seamless and balanced from top to bottom, bass extending below 20hz (no, i have not yet measured it but this is the perception of 3 or 4 of the most knowlegable people to hear it), completely disappearing, the purest mid-range, extended treble, very dynamic, and super detailed but also completly is, dare i say, about perfect.

The Exquisites are 48 inches tall plus a 5 inch stand, they weigh 565 pounds each with stands. Their cabinet is completely non-reasonant which is responsible for the amazing bass articulation, extension, and integration. For details look at Jonathin Valin's review from Absloute Sound from fall 2000.

The 1Ds mate perfectly with my 75 watt OTL Tenors and look and work great in my 12 foot wide room. I have not stopped grining for the last 2 weeks. I have invited over 7 local audiophiles and industry experts to give me some objective feedback and they have all fallen under the same spell as myself.

The scarey thing is that i am told the Exquisites take about 9 months to 1 year to fully break-in. If you want to hear a speaker that has ALL the pieces but ultimately gets out of the way of the music, here it is. You have a hard time thinking "bass" or "soundstage" or "dynamics" because you are concentrating on the performance and the musical message......really something very special. It is an privildge to have these speakers in my room.

These 1Ds are the first 1D set in the world. They differ from the 1C in that they go lower (i am told some useful output to 16hz but probably not in my room), are bi-ampable, have cryo'd internal wires and crossovers, and have special damping on the crossovers.

Simply.....the best.
but I have not been very happy with any speakers I have owned.

Norm, that is a crying shame. i suppose we all have our own particular definition of 'happy'. i don't want to put words in your i would appreciate you expanding on your above comment.

you have tried every tweak out there; and more different pieces of gear than anyone else i know. why do you think you have not found speakers that make you happy?

too high of expectations?

room acoustics?

are you more interested in investigating performance of other areas?

i am not busting your chops here but your comment was concerning to me as i have lots of respect for your listening opinions.

btw, staying 'on-topic' i would say that who knows what speaker is 'best'. since best infers 'best in all contexts'....which is a silly idea. OTOH the best performance from a speaker i have heard is the Evolution Acoustics MM3's in my room over the last month or so. possibly lots of speakers might thrive in this environment too.....but that's another question. right now...this is amazing. they are completely coherent and holographic, flat to 10hz in my room, dynamically alive, nuanced and involving, supremely detailed, and effortless in their presentation. a window into the music.

and Norm....i am happy with my speakers.
Detlof, i agree that 'live' music can humble reproduced music.....but not always. in fact; the odds are dramatically against 'live' music sounding very good at all in most venues. either too loud, or lacking focus, or not in balance, or bad listening position, or outdoors and lots of issues. 75% of live music have at least some of those issues in my experience. our brains can compensate for sound problems and we can still be swept along with the live performance.

OTOH the 'live music experience' cannot be duplicated in our homes.

there are a few local Jazz clubs and smaller recital halls which do offer consistently excellent live music performance.

regarding 10hz; my experience is that 10hz which has distortion is lethal and a bit scary; but 10hz which is controlled and effortless is really wonderful. it's more a feeling than something you hear. recently i made some adjustments to speaker placement and my bass settings which made subtle but significant improvements to my bass accuracy. it made a huge difference in the coherence of deep bass.....which allowed my body to stop tensing up when i knew that very deep bass was coming.