The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?

Showing 4 responses by boa2

I have to agree with Rlapporte,being a dealer has got little to do with personal tastes
Sphere, the bottom line is that every dealer is supposed to disclose this fact when posting about a product they sell. The conversation stays much cleaner that way.

By the way, what gives? You became an Audiogon member 5 1/2 yrs ago, and this is your first post? Where do I pick up your cassette series on the zen of restraint? :-)))
I have absolutely no problem disclosing in my posts that I am a dealer and I will again say, to all, that I meant no deception.
I'm sure this was the case, Ron. It might help you to know that quite a few of us are sensitive to the issue of disclosure, as some have gone as far as using alternate monikers in order to anonymously plug the products they sell. So, thanks for being so forthright. Glad to have you around. And if I find $150K under my couch cushions, I will contact you for a serious audition of those speakers. :-)))

Sphere, I hear what you're saying. And as someone new to these forums, you should know that a dealer's disclosure is ALWAYS expected here. As I mention above, quite a few have gone to great attempts to keep that relationship hidden, using friends and multiple Audiogon monikers to do so. And it's not OK.
I have spoken to several people who have considered the Puppys to be far overpriced for what they do. FWIW.
You can always find people to confirm any opinion, and they'll virtually line up to disparage a successful product or company. I suspect you'll find many 938 owners comparing their speakers to the WPs, but few (if any) WP owners replacing them with 938s because of the same claim. Other than the obvious aesthetic mimicry, the 938 does not compare the WP, at least not to the WP7 or WP8. Not even in the same ballpark, IMO.

Back to the previously scheduled program...
I know how most people feel that a commercial chap should mention his background,but even if they don't,it does not matter,especially for a 150k speaker
I completely disagree. When your opinion and livelihood are inter-dependent, at no pricepoint do they become divorced from one another.

Rlapporte, my post was not directed at you. Nor should anyone have to perform research in order to discover what ought to be noted in any and every post in which you are plugging a product that you sell.