The Best Polished Glass Toslink Optical Cables?

What are the best polished glass optical cables that have a "mini toslink" option (not an adaptor) for use with Apple products? I currently use the VanDenHul OptiCoupler and Wireworld SuperNova 6. Are there any others that I should consider?

Thanks in advance!
Here is the 6 Moons article. I agree with the outcome, not to mention that there are even better toslink cables available today.

My goal with this post is to see if there is anything else out there that I don't know about. I have the VanDenHul, WireWorld and Siltec, and they are all great cables that can be fitted with a mini toslink end. If there is something that hasn't been mentioned, please let know know.
I have also been hunting for a glass toslink for a second system I am putting together. I have yet to come up with any other options either. This is a bit surprising since it is generally accepted that glass performs better than plastic, yet very few manufacturers have started making them.
I have been wondering about coaxial vs toslink. I would say that comparing both of the same price point would be a good place to start.

Is there some place called the cable company that allows this???