The Best Piano Works of the 20th Century

My nonimations are:

Vignt Regards sur L’Enfant Jesus by Olivier Messiaen, and

The People United Will Never be Defeated by Frederic Rzewski

How about you?

Showing 4 responses by phomchick

I was looking for pieces for solo piano, but I wasn’t clear. Regardless, there are some great suggestions here. Nancarrow is an excellent suggestion. I’ll add Prokofiev’s Piano Sonatas. 
I always loved Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No.2
1901. You got in under the wire. 

Robert Greenberg, music historian and educator, has a course: The 23 Greatest Solo Piano Works. His choices from the 21st century are:

  1. Debussy— “The Sunken Cathedral”
  2. Debussy— Préludes, Book One
  3. Albéniz—Iberia
  4. Ravel—Valses nobles et sentimentales
  5. Scriabin—Piano Sonata No. 5
  6. Rachmaninoff—Etudes-tableaux
  7. Prokofiev—Piano Sonata No. 7
  8. Copland—Piano Variations
I have some listening to do!
I wouldn’t call Shostakovich’s Trio #2 for Violin, Cello, and Piano, a piece for piano, but it is certainly one of the great masterpieces of the 20th Century.