The best of Goodwill...

What the best audio related item that you have purchased at Goodwill or another similar store?

Today I was at two Goodwills and managed to find a few CDs for $3 each.

One turned out to be excellent. It's a violin concerto by Sony Classics and recorded at Air Studio's. I really enjoyed listening to it this afternoon.

Another was new and was still in the original plastic.

I know this is small beans compared to what some of you have managed to find.

Showing 1 response by loomisjohnson

as an inveterate thrift store junkie, i abide by the adage that anything can be anywhere at any time--it's all a matter of persistence. what i have noticed recently is that cdps (like vcrs) seem to be frequently donated--i've recently picked up a marantz cd63se ($15) and a pristine sony ca70es ($9.95); also an adcom gfa 535 and matching tuner for $20 and fantabulous hk 730 rcvr for $25. i'm still searching for that ten buck macintosh, but i know it's out there.