The best of Goodwill...

What the best audio related item that you have purchased at Goodwill or another similar store?

Today I was at two Goodwills and managed to find a few CDs for $3 each.

One turned out to be excellent. It's a violin concerto by Sony Classics and recorded at Air Studio's. I really enjoyed listening to it this afternoon.

Another was new and was still in the original plastic.

I know this is small beans compared to what some of you have managed to find.

Showing 1 response by hxt1

'Also the Hispanic immigrant population is increasingly turning to the secondhand stores for nearly anything they need.'

Wow Elizabeth! Between the Mexicans and the Turks, it's really tough times for all of us honest, hardworkin folk!!!
Something interesting going on there....

I found at the salvation army I used to go to,
The folks working there ( mostly new immigrants, who I refer to as 'new north Americans) seem to lack the reference needed to fairly price items
The day I saw a half empty jar of hand cream listed for $6, I knew the jig was up! Haven't been back since.
There is a Mennonite thrift store near my neighborhood that is a vinyl goldmine!! I've found dozens of fantastic classical albums at 50 cents a pop!
Still awaiting that 'holy grail' McIntosh 275!!!
I love hearing about these amazing finds!