The Best Live Recordings on Youtube

Hi folks, I’m in the middle of moving and needed something to do to explore music while my system is in storage (might be up to a year). Started streaming live recordings on youtube on my laptop and decided it would be worth it to make a list/channel.

In case anyone likes watching such content, the link is below. I only add quality recordings (both visually and sonically) of quality performances. No real genre restrictions, so maybe you can find something you like...

Please post or send any suggestions for growing the resource. Hopefully it helps spread high quality music to more people...

Showing 32 responses by pesky_wabbit

For all Softs fans, Matching Mole = Machine Moule = Soft Machine, featuring Robert Wyatt as you‘ve never seen (or heard) him before - and make sure no children are watching.
For a tribute band, these guys really blew me away. I think Jackie Wilson would be smiling up there

Another amazing cover by some unknowns

I wouldn‘t mind having them at my next party

That in a gadda da vida clip sure supports the the Wilde maxim that Nothing succeeds like Excess.

Far superior to the vinyl.

In the end it‘s all about discovering great music. I would much rather listen to that youtube clip of in a gadda da vda on my ipad than my vinyl copy of the original on any megabubuck audio system.

Larry Coryell & Eleventh House

Mahavishnu Orchestra

The late great Luther Allison. Under appreciated in his native country, but adored in France, where he resided, and Europe, where he toured extensively. This is is last recorded concert, performed in Madrid. Stellar.
Little Richard captured at his zenith was pretty special for me - there’s not that much good footage around.

We are very fortunate for old TV specials.

Come on guys, I can‘t be the only music enthusiast on this forum !
I want to hear some of your stuff.
@schubert is that Boris Johnson‘s younger brother playing ? Nice clip, I really enjoyed it.

You might be surprised to know that I also listen to classical music, and that my favourite composer is .......Schubert, with Mozart a close second. I don‘t post because my knowledge is not as broad as other genres.

As for what is real music, my tastes have expanded considerably with age, and I’ve found it‘s amazing that what was once an impenetrable sonic morass can becomes beautiful music over time. If you take the time to understand a wide range of genres you can recognise genius in all of them.

You are entirely correct: the notion that classical music is a somehow a superior genre is to the large part class related,

Classical music and opera have always been associated with the upper classes, while blues, jazz and their derivatives .have their roots associated with an underclass (slavery). Folk, bluegrass and Country have ties with the working class.

I don’t see any objective basis for this assertion whatsoever - good music is good music, period. Pure transcendent magic can be found in all genres, as your YouTube playlist amply demonstrates.

Luther Allison yer again at his incendiary best. The sound is lacking in bottom end, but the performance is electric.

The Sadistic Mika Band Clip was a bit of an eye opener - I had anly heard their more poppy stuff. Amazing! John Peel was always great for presenting interesting new music. And The Old Grey Whistle Test was such a great music platform.
Marlon Willims is crminally unknown, even in his native New Zealand, where he is virtually a fringe artist not given regular airplay. One American critic called him the only artist today carrying forward a great tradition of authentic American music. Make up your own mind.

not live but great

I hear faint echoes of the big O. He‘s got the voice, the looks, the name, what gives?
On second thoughts, I guess if you look at the crowd demographic, most of them are my age.......

Booker T

killer version of Time is Tight

The great Otis Redding. This clip seems to gather most of his great stuff

And the incomparable Jacky Wilson. The voice, those moves!  Michael Jackson was always jealous.

I referred to the other version of Suki Suki Suki you had up - it‘s an amazing clip which lead me to find the other one.