The Best kept Secret in Speaker Cables please?

Looking for the best kept secret in Speaker Cables, that is better than, Valhalas, Transparent Reference XL,
(((Please can't afford the Opus , I WISH )))
So lets say, costing less than $5k new. If you have tried these cables and found a speaker cable that is state of the art, fast-detailed-great lush voice-real violins-layers of bass.
Please I am ready to audition.
Thank you

Showing 2 responses by ridgestreetaudio

For the Record, unless Sonic genious Identifies himself to me via personal email so I know who he is, he has never purchased from us and has never used any of our cabling. I have asked him previously to identify himself with no response. I've certainly not had any one return our cables so I'm not sure what's up here. If I am inccorect here, I will recant my statement here.

Robert C. Schult
Ridge Street Audio Designs
Sonic Genius, I don't believe I'm out of line. None of your comments specifically state you borrowed a set of our cables from someone(?). Plus, you stated from another thread "I've got a pair on the way to see what all the fuss is about. I thought I was enthusiastic about pure note but I wonder about you guys. Did you guys get a deal on these or what?". With that, I contacted you out of concern that I had perhaps misplaced a work order which would mean somebody, you, wouldn't get their purchase. I never got a response from you. Had you responded back, that would have been courteous, would have alleviated my concern and would have avoided my assumed accusation here in this thread. If indeed you were able to borrow our cabling from someone, then please accept my sincere apologies.

As for me, this matter is closed and I will not post any more regarding this. If you, or anyone else need to continue this for whatever reason, contact me personally.

Robert C. Schult
Ridge Street Audio Designs