The Best Inexpensive Wines Available Now

I'm always on the lookout for good wines at a fair value. Ok so maybe cheap wines that taste expensive. Anyway, are there wines that you've had recently that you would consider a terrific value for the price? I personally enjoy the merlot and chardonnay from Clos du Bois which both cost about $14 in New Hampshire. To relax with a glass of either and listen to my music (classical and jazz) does make the early evening sit pleasingly well.

Showing 1 response by bakeinca

2-buck-chuck!?! What a contrast from the single-malt thread! Good wine doesn't necessarily mean expensive, but surely you'all could come up with some better suggestions for this poor guy than that..

There's a whole world of phenomenal wine bargains out there - fortunately, here in CA we have access to many more of the "domestic" (ie., California) selections than most of you on the east coast.

For awesome values, try:

Zin's - anything current from Rosenblum or Ridge (both have terrific mailing list programs) - Seghesio's nice, too...

S. Blanc's - current releases from New Zealand are great (Villa Maria, Mud House, Te Karanga, etc..) as are many 2001's from Sonoma

Pinot Noir - 2001 is about the best vintage ever for CA juice, after a couple of good years in Wash/Oreg - throw a dart at anything from the Russian River area...

Rhone - an epic string of vintages, both in the North and in the South, have flooded the market with terrific, age-worthy bargains...

Seek out a decent wine shop with proper storage conditions and seek out some suggestions - forget about Trader Joe's, the package liquor office, and your local grocery store. If the bottles are dusty, stored upright out in the open and near a sunlit window, don't buy them...

A couple of fantastic direct-order outfits here in southern CA will ship direct (check the allowable states): and

And remember, life is too short to drink 2-buck-chuck! I wouldn't even cook with that stuff...