The Best DeKay - Copper or Silver Wire?

Sorry, I just wanted a thread started with my moniker used in the title (I was envious of Cornfedboy). Go for it though, Steve, if you have anything to add.

Showing 2 responses by albertporter

Kelly, I finally got to disagree with you. Tooth dekay is not a problem compared to ear dekay. Tooth dekay may be avoided by laying off sweets, while sweet music, the cause of ear dekay is as certain as death, taxes and Audiogon!
Important new data provided by Tireguy, has indicated the problem is starchy music, rather than sweet.
I suggest a hit list that warns against ear Dekay. I will begin with the first that come to mind:

"Cornbread" Lee Morgan
"Potato Head Blues" Louis Armstrong
"Bread and Butter" Newbeats
"Bean Soup" Coleman Hawkins
"Yams" Herbie Hancock
"Bean a Re Bop" Miles Davis
"Rice Pudding" Jeff Beck
"Spaghetti Western" Hoodoo Gurus

And certainly, ANYTHING done by Korn.