the best CD player under $1k?

been thinking about buying a new CD player and I am considering the Rotel 971, Sony XA20ES, Marantz 6000SE,Denon 1650AR, and the Cambridge Audio D500SE. Any thoughts about these or other good CD players under a thousand.

Showing 1 response by joe_b

The only one 2 I have heard that are worth it are the Rega Planet and the Rotel. However, the Rega was no better than a Micromega dac that I bought used for $300. As an alternative to spending $1000 on a 1 box player I would consider getting an Aiwa CD player for $90 and get it modified by Stan Warren for $130. Then add an AA DTI 2.0 used for around $200, an Apogee digital cable for around $50 and then get a used dac or even an MSB for around $500. This would give you good sound with upgrade capability. If the Aiwa turns you off, then you may want to subsitute a Pioneer 333 DVD player for $200 and a Monster Lightspeed toslink for around $50.