The Beach Boys

I'm a huge fan of classic rock, and music in general, listening to almost all genres from classical to jazz to rock to contemporary pop (very selectively). Don't care much for country and reggae. I've been reading in the latest issue of Stereophile about Acoustic Sounds reissuing The Beach Boys catalog, and the article compelled me to express my opinion on this forum. I'm simply completely, utterly, and overwhelmingly at a loss to understand the acclaim for this band. The fact that "Pet Sounds" is considered one of the greatest albums of all time leaves me speechless. I always considered their music a bit of a joke, good for background when you're in a beach bar in Southern California, in the same vein reggae or mariachi music are tolerable in Jamaica or Mexico, respectively, when one's on vacation. I then heard about them being compared to The Beatles and have been confused ever since. Perhaps a comparison to The Beatles early songs as they were evolving as musicians and songwriters would make sense, but comparing the genius of The Beatles to the "genius" of Brian Wilson is just preposterous, in my opinion.

I would like to hear from those who like or love The Beach Boys what it is about their music that they think warrants the acclaim and their presence in the upper echelon of music. I realize my post may generate quite a bit of controversy and angry responses, but I don't mean to offend or put down anyone's musical tastes. I'm posting as a music lover who is truly perplexed. 


Showing 6 responses by 213runnin

What happened to Wilson is quite sad.  He started hearing voices in his head after starting in with LSD.  The voices never went away according to the movie Love and Mercy, until decades later.  

By the time the Pet Sounds project was underway, he was a drug addict, and was on his way to his first mental break down.  Offering drugs to his young children, getting totally paranoid, I aways wonder what he might have achieved without drugs and without the deaf ear as a a result of his dad's repeated ear slaps over the years.

My fave is Sloop John B.

The attitude of almost reverence regarding Brian Wilson's LSD fueled recordings I'll never agree with.  LSD shattered his career, his family, his band, hell, his mind.  He went completely looney.  Anybody want to lose everything in your life and end up drooling?  Spend years in bed?  What, nobody?  Sorry, the hair on the back of my neck doesn't stand up.

The Beach Boys were never the same after they had captivated the US music scene and rivalled the Beatles.  They became a nostalgia act trying to relive the glory days.  What a tragedy.
bdp24, you say that a significant percentage of history’s greatest composers, musicians, writers, and painters had severe mental and/or emotional problems, as well as drink and drug problems.

Well, yeah, that's because a significant percentage of the population has always had those issues.  Taking drugs to alter your mind and reality is a stupid dangerous thing to do, before you even add up all of the overdose deaths.  

Some here want to embrace the abuse of one's own body as long as they like the resulting "art".  What a sad statement of your own mindset.  I wouldn't be surprised if it was music industry executives that wanted their stars on drugs so the music might sell better.  Anything for a buck.
Yes, you embrace abuse when you accept the fruit of the abuse.  Look, I understand that this makes you uncomfortable, and you disagree with me.  That is fine, but I'd bet you a million bucks that Brian Wilson, if asked, would quickly admit that if he had the chance to do it all over again, he'd stay the hell away from drugs.  
Personally, I listen to music I enjoy, and don’t research artists for drug use. Nor do I avoid music of known drug addicts, although I think that those who used it as a crutch had or have issues.  I do find that my tastes are such that I never cared for the styles of Jimmi Hendrix or Janis Joplin, and plenty of artists with acid rock, hard rock, death metal and probably most of the other metal varieties.  

The line that I draw is to not revere the resulting chaos that LSD caused Brian Wilson and his music, as some of you seem to do. Smile is quite weird, at least the little of it that I’ve heard, so I never bought it. I actually never knew why it was so strange until after watching the latest Brian Wilson movie, and realizing that some drug dealer ruined the life of one of the greatest American artists of his time. Sorry, I just can’t revere that.
You've used some interesting strawman arguments, but they do not apply to what I've clearly said.