The Audiophile Song - Who Can Relate?

Simple enough question. Maybe the questions should be: who can’t relate?

Have fun (some potty mouth in the vid)

Audiophile Forced To Sell His Entire System - High End Audio Is Over! (

(How do I get the video to show here? - I suppose I should know after all these years posting :)



My goodness, that was a hoot! But I think you have to be married to fully appreciate the profound mess this young man is in. I'm on my third (and last) marriage and it's taken me twenty years to learn what not to say to my wife. I had the sense to not show this to her. by the way I own a good part of his speaker equipment and two of the amps

I sent it to my wife, sister and my audio and music friends. Funny!

Not me though as I got rid of 90% of old equipment, especially speakers (have two systems and two sets of speakers) after 55+ years in audiophilia.

Also, I’ve sold/disposed of 18,000+ records in the past 35 years. I am not a collector but a listener. My ground floor of my home is 5,700’ and I want my living room to look like a living room so I built a separate, isolated listening room (see my profile for details).


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