The Audio Research Database

The Audio Research Database (ARCDB) contains information about products from Audio Research. The goal is to cover all products thay have ever made.

Feel free to visit it at:
Exceptional info,good work and thanks for the tip,have a large Holiday bump and enjoy the Kharma[sorry,couldn't resist].We owe you one,Bob
Amazing Website--Filled with the kind of detail that puts the ENTHUSIASM back in to hi end audio.
I looked for info for years on the net for ARC products and pics and this is by far the best yet.Audio Research should pay this guy something for this contribution,There website is very good but does not delve into the history of ARC products.Without this info i was totaly in the dark-Now I am able to check all the products---SIMPLY GREAT.
If you want some great pics of the DAC-1 Just let me know.
Thank you for your nice words. I am very happy that the site is of interest to other people than myself. I will continue to add information and pictures, but I am really relying on the visitors to the site to contribute with more stuff. So, please send whatever information, pictures and corrections you have to:
I am surprised that there is no way for one to submit pics or manuals to the web site. First thing I thought of was sending in pics of My D-76A.

Anyone know if the person running this will accept contributions, information, etc...?
South park,

I will happily accept contributions like pictures, specifications, scanned manuals etc. If you click on the "C" button on the top of the first page, you will see that you can send your stuff to:
