The Audio Alto R101 : A special speaker for SET amplifiers and small acoustic spaces

My review on the Audio Alto R101 speaker just went up on the Stereo Times website. It was a pleasure to review this "petite" single driver floor-standing design because of it's overall beautiful musicality, amazingly good overall dynamics, and finally it's excellent top and bottom frequency extension. If you love tube based SET amplifiers or low power Solid State amplifiers (think Pass Labs XA-25) and have a relatively small acoustic space this might be a great speaker for your system. Take a look at the review for all the details that led me to this conclusion.  

Showing 2 responses by almaaudio


As the US representative for Audio Alto, I think Terry really did capture the essence of these amazing little speakers. Thank you, Terry!

I must also say he has an impeccable taste in music as well :)

If you're at all interested in this speaker, please contact us, as we're able to offer in-home auditions. These really do need to be experienced by more folks!

Alma Music and Audio

Unlike Terry, we didn’t try a true SET on them, but I can tell you that an 8W Luxman SQ-N150 was able to drive it properly, and a 32W Air Tight was absolutely effortless.
They do respond to more power, but more importantly, for the proper frequency balance, the manufacturer recommends an amp with reasonably low damping factor.