The Absolute Sound delivery issues

Is anyone else having trouble with their TAS subscription?
For the past four months it has been getting later and later until the past two issues have not even shown up.
( Yes I have paid my bill ). I see the magazine out on the store shelves 2 and 3 weeks before I receive it in the mail.
Is this just isolated or a trend?

Showing 1 response by avideo

Sorry to hear about your delivery problems. I've also noted seeing an issue or two at my local Tower Records a few days before mine arrives in the mail. This may be due to a problem with the mail house that seals and sends the issues out. My main gripe right now, is that I sent a renewal check to TAS about six weeks ago and already got the cancelled check back; but a few days ago I got a "no payment" notice in the mail. Makes me wonder if their subscriber services people really know what's going on.