The absolute best and worst-sounding CD you own ?

This could be a tricky one. Many audiophiles and music lovers will care more for an artist they like in mediocre sound than a artist they can't stand no matter how great the recording is. Still, I am interested in finding out what truly outstanding recordings there are out there. Of course there are listening biases and all that can be said about the equipment.

My personnal best: Harry Belafonte at Carnegie Hall

My worst: The standard cd issue ''YES-Fragile'' just plain bad no matter on what you play it on. OK so this is a ''rock'' cd and they are all supposed to sound bad right?, still, there is no excuse for this turkey.

Let's have your choice...

Showing 2 responses by jafant


I, too, bought the bulk of my CDs during the 80's. Most (99%) of these discs are flat transfers from the LP sources. Very little remixing, futzing with the original material going on there.  The 1st real wave of re-mastering, remixing (not always revealed to the consumer), occurred in 1994.
Another big over-haul or 2nd wave of re-mastering/remixing occurred in 2000 to correlate with the HDCD codec.
Later on during the 2000's as pro-tools came online and 2010 forward with auto-tune, most of these discs are not flat transfers.
Happy Listening!