The $3,600 gamble

So I'm selling my Vandersteen 2ce's and my Zu Omen bookshelfs to buy the Zu Omen Def Mk ii's - blind (or is it deaf?).  I have had no way of hearing any of the gear I've bought up to this point so the same can go for the Mk ii's I suppose. I figure with the 60 day return policy at least I have a way out if they don't live up to my expectations. I've not been able to find any videos with the Mk ii's so that makes it even more of a gamble for me. So we will see. 

Im using a Musicical Paradise Mk ii tube integrated with an old Pioneer PL 530 with Denon 103r cart and dynavector mk iii phono pre. Will this beat the gear in my main system?  Most definately not, I'm just hoping for a fun system that gives me the "live" music sensation with a bit more bass than the Zu bookshelfs. 

Wish me luck, they come in Monday!!

Showing 1 response by oleschool

I strongly suggest going on Gik website and filling out there form with a couple pics.No affilation,just a fan and firm believer it has been one of the best investments in awhile.