The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues.

GR Research gave a breakdown of these & I was surprised..

Owner looking to make them sound better.



Yes, no problem. I am (c).  With the same ID, I have a few posts on AudioKarma, you can see some previous iterations of my stereo, and some reallly old ones on AudioAficionado, but, my ID is not valid anymore on AudioAficionado. I am mostly on Audiogon on rare occasions to look for used equipment or learn something from the forums. I agree that it is weird that my first post on Audiogon is 12 years after I joined...

Here is my story:

This is my fourth stereo system. My first one started way back with a Marantz 2230.

It took me 13 years to get to where I am today with my 4th stereo system. I bought every piece I have used. I started in 2013 with one MC275 and one McIntosh c2300, and an old Pioneer turntable, an old Sony CD Player, an IPAD, a WD my passport server, and hand me down Martin Logan Aerius and a Genesis servo Subwoofer that my brother gave me. I bought replacement woofers and panesl from Martin Logan and very, very slowly started adding pieces. I added another MC275, then, an MT10, then a McIntosh D100 replaced later by a D150, then, a McIntosh MCT450 - and the new hobby of SACD, then, replaced later by a MCT500 where I love using the USB sticks which have all my ripped SACDs, CDs, and my Qobuz purchased songs. Last year, I noticed my old Genesis servo Subwoofer amp buzzing and the woofer would flap at high volume. So, I started wanting to replace my speakers. My brother has a pair of Wilson Sophia 2 that I did some critical listening, and I really liked them. So, I started looking around for speakers. In Audio Mart, I found a pair of W/P 8s for sale locally for a fantastic deal, so, I went and listened, liked what I heard, especially the bass, bought them, put them in my truck and brought them home. Then, I contacted Wilson and bought new resistors, and new diffraction pads and replaced them. I also added Isoacoustic GAIA I footers From there, I bought a used Shunyata DPC-12, 5 IFI Nova power cables, and an Adona Altair rack that I had built to my height requirements. I declared myself finally done, and I really liked the sound of my system. When I saw the GR Research video about the W/P 8, I was really surprised, & it really peaked my interested, so, I responded to some threads about it.

If we're gonna question every W/P owner's posting credentials, why don't we bring up Danny Richie's past association with AV123 and its convicted criminal scammer Mark Schifter? Geez. I hate YouTube personalities. 

You can also hop on ASR and find plenty of hate for DR's design and parts choices. That would be akin to DR's attempted take-down of a 20 year old Wilson design. But they're no better to me - ASR also represents a VERY different perspective on this hobby versus myself and many (most?) on this forum. 

It makes sense that the 4 / 2 ohm taps give you more perceived bass. As amp output impedance rises to be "significant" versus the bass-frequency impedance dip (2 ohms), more of the amp's generated signal is "lost" due to the resultant voltage divider (Ohm's law). E.g. 2 ohms into 2ohms loses 6 dB of signal (in theory), 0.4 ohms into 2 ohms loses only 1.6 dB, and 0.1 ohms loses only 0.4dB. Of course the full picture is much more complex than just this. 

Since Wilson is probably focused on actual listening results in "typical" rooms, it stands to reason they've acoustically tuned and "voiced" their speaker to sound good with popular audiophile amplifiers, including tube amps, which will demonstrate some losses in bass region from this. 

I’m new to this site - is it common practice to be skeptical of someones intentions when they defend Wilson speakers?

If thats the case then I should be suspect one. I actually joined the site just to comment on this thread 😂

I felt I had to because when youtube personalities throw out content than raises more question than it provides answers, and spawns a litany of comments (youtube comments) that are so off base and misguided that it makes my head hurt… then its the responsibility of those with actual experience to try to set the record straight (or at least provide some real world examples. )

Post removed 

Its funny - I’ve read time and time again about Wilson’s lack of efficiency and low impedance. Hence requiring high quality amps to drive them. And when they are driven by the proper amp most people seem to agree that they sound very good.

here’s the thing, I’ve never heard a Wilson owner complain about this. I think thats because most Wilson owners have no intention of buying anything but a high quality amp.

Would I, or any other Wilson owner, prefer they improve their design to be more efficient? Speaking for myself I say no. Because theres a possibility the sound I get from my setup is a result of the relationship between the speaker and the amp. And I would never spend the $$ on Wilsons with the intent of connecting them to an underpowered amp.

Personally this lack of efficiency in design is irrelevant, except to those who wouldnt buy or own them in the first place.

Am I unique in feeling this way - or are there Wilson owners that listen to their speakers and say “damn, yeah it sounds good… but the impedance inefficiency is driving me nuts!”