The $20K Soulution Audio 330 Integrated Amp is a Bargain ?

Can a $20K Integrated amp be a Bargain ? 
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Showing 2 responses by ghasley

“Strictly a product for the 1% crowd!”

These comments always make me chuckle. An easy swipe at a group that most likely ignores high end audio in general and certainly ignores a flavor of the month brand with a pattern of significant discounting. The 1%’ers aren’t purchasing Soulution or they wouldn’t have to discount right? 

In New Mexico, about $250k/yr gets you in the 1%, about $750k/yr in Connecticut. Alot of Audiogoners blow through these thresholds.

@d2girls I wasn't missing the point. Your post was intelligent and well thought out.

It's just that I get a little tired of the "one percenter bashing".  I take some posts to mean "they" are obviously not smart enough to know they are overpaying.  Surely "they" aren't that gullible.

That's all I was trying to say.