Thanks to all the participants and respondents

After several months of heavy research at Audiogon and learning much from the members...I've let the cash loose! We have a 23-month old and live in a remote part of SW Florida so traveling far away to Georgia (there ain't as much high-end stuff in Florida as one might expect) to audition equipment wasn't an option. As best as I could glean, this should work out fine: on the way, Pass 2.5 pre (space considerations precluded the X-1), X-250 amp, Audio Note 3.1 cdp and Piega C-8 LTD speakers. In a couple of weeks, all should arrive and be hooked up.
I was very happy with my "old" system, C-J Premier 14, Classé DR-8, CEC 2x transport, Dodson 217 MK II (762), Verity Fidelios, and Hsu TN 1220 (w/250w/amp)---but the fever came over me.
The Audio Note may be the weakest link, but I am curious to hear how it sounds, the design being the antithesis of the Dodson philosophy (I lust after Accuphase DP-75v, but the only opportunity I had at a mint one disappeared as I dilly-dallied over Christmas).
Anyhow, a HUGE thanks to one and all for your help and your patience: I pushed the adage of there being no such thing as a stupid question to the bursting point, I'm sure.

Showing 1 response by btstrg

I live in Florida too and you are right, there's not much for high end around here. Sounds like you put together a nice system. I too have the Pass X250 amp. I think it's an absolutely awesome amplifier. I was always a tube person prior to this amp. I had an Audio Research VT200 and replaced it with the Pass and have never looked back. Good luck with your new system.