Thank you to the Audiogon Team

It occurred to me today that I've not said "Thank you" to the Audiogon team in a long time. I asked for a bit of help this morning and received a prompt helpful response from Tammy. What a pleasure. While I've thanked her privately, I want to take a moment to recognize the entire Audiogon team that makes these discussion forums available to all of us. I've been posting here since 2001, have received many helpful replies from members to questions, learned a lot, and hopefully have shared a bit along the way.

This is, by and large, one of the most helpful, courteous and civil discussion platforms for high end audio on the Internet. I enjoy the community that exists here. But mainly I want to thank Audiogon for the investment of their time and resources to allow this platform to exist.

Best wishes for the New Year, Audiogon!

Showing 1 response by djohnson54

Agree also rushton and Al.  I also sent in a suggestion on Saturday (the day after Christmas!!)  and received a reply from Tammy in about an hour.  Amazing!
