Test LP's Worth it?

I was wondering who among you has had experience with the test LP's, like the one from Analogue Productions or Hi-Fi News? Are they worth it, or do you need special monitoring equipment like oscilloscopes or whatever?

PS: the search function didn't work for me.

Showing 5 responses by ebuzz

Thanks, I did pick up the platter speed iPhone app and I think the Analogue Productions test LP has a 3150Hz track to check speed. But if that's all I can get out of it, it's not worth $40.
Can't justify dropping $299 for a Fozgometer, protractor or a bandpass filter + multimeter/oscilloscope etc. I've used the MoFi disc to set up alignment, overhang, etc.
Just wondering if these LP's were worth it, but at $39-$49 it's not a real big investment after all.
I'll check out these protractors. I already have a digital scale for tracking force. I've heard (don't know if it's true) that each Mint Protractor is set up for a specific table. I have an older Well Tempered Classic table (square motor). I think it's great, but the azimuth settings can be a bit tricky.
Now that I think about it, my Well Tempered Classic came with it's own protractor...
Raul: Thanks, it's certainly worth checking out. BTW that is some awesome vinyl set up you've got. But damn, am I the poorest guy in this forum? I'd sell my mother for some of these rigs. :)