Test Equipment vs The Ear

Just posted this link in another thread,


Could the ear actually be superior to test equipment?

What do you think?


Showing 3 responses by georgehifi

Appeal to Authority Alert!
Serious listeners are far better listen to them, than listening to witch doctors, or snake oil peddlers.

Cheers George

Just as listening to music with an electrical engineer is a waste of time.
Not if that EE is also an audiophile, as then he could tell you where you could improve your system, with mods to whatever you have if it's not sounding the best.
And you can bet he'd be using the laws of EE and measurements to do those mods if he's worth his salt.

Cheers George
Test Equipment vs The Ear

It all starts with designers doing prototypes using the laws of electronics and measuring, getting the best they can, then it’s listened to if they’re audiophiles.
Then if needs be, to make changes to the sound, they make changes to measurements or even the circuit, design, and then it’s re-measured to see if nothings wrong and if it sounds better, good, if not do more of the same.
But no designer in their right mind would change anything from the original and not re-measure to see if all is still fine.

Cheers George