Terrible room. Contemplating headphones. Help

I need help here. I have PSB Stratus Bronze speakers, an Audio Refinement Complete amp, and have just sold my Denon 1650ar, because it just wasn't "doing it" for me. I realize the Bronze speakers might like a different amp, but I used to have Triangle Titus speakers(needed more bottom end) for which I purchased the ARC amp. I am a college senior who got the short end of the stick during room selection and have moved from a suite with a large common room to a single that is a dismal 10'x13' with nasty sound-reflecting walls. If I clap my hands or whistle I get a nice echo. So, I am thinking of either purchasing a Sony 9000es(perhaps after the replacement drops the price) and hoping the room doesn't completely ruin the sound, or selling it all off and getting a nice cdp and headphone amp. If I go the speaker rout I have about $700 to spend on a player. If I sell it all off I'll have around $1700 (my gear isn't in perfect condition). If I had to I could stretch a couple hundred more, but not far. What should I do? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 1 response by ezmeralda11


PROFP022-6 should do it. I noticed audioadvisor has now jacked the price of that kit up to a rip-you-off $90. Its still $70 at silentsource and it wasn't long ago its claim to fame was only being a $50 tweak.